Sunday, June 13, 2010


There are the most and many importance about the subject matter of the sports that we all know and unknown also. Sports give the primary importance to the human life. Not only there is one importance about the sports but we can see lots of importance. Physical fitness is also one importance of the sports. Sports need the lots of physical qualification such as strategy, stamina, energy, trick, etc. people having those physical qualification can be considered as the physically fit person. Due to the better physics, people becomes very healthy and remains out of the any types of diseases. Sports such as football, cricket, rugby, long tenis, etc makes the leg part of the body strong and fills with the energy. Other there are many games which is very important for the physical fitness. So those are the importance for physical fitness.
The next importance of the sport is to earn the livelihood. The importance not only for the physical fitness is for sport but also to earn the money because many people are earning the money from the sports. If one of the players plays any game from anywhere nicely then one of the better club buys them for the exchange of money. So the club gives the money to the players and the players should play for that club. Messi is the player who has earned the lots of money from the footbal, Rony is also one of the player who has also earned lots of money from the football itself, Saurav is the player who has earned the money from the cricket. So by viewing those sentences, we can say that we can earn the money by sports also.
The another importance of the sports is to make the fame. Sports can make the people famous all over the world. If those players were not involved in the sports then they would not be able to make their fame to all over the world. So sports can also be the reason for the good making of the fame.
Those all were some importance about the sports and so far we should try to follow the path of the sports to do something in the daily life.

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