Sunday, June 20, 2010

Bad comment on sports

There are also various bad comment which many people has shown to us. As we all know that where there is good, there obviously be present the bad. Likewise here also we have some of the bad comments on sports. People has accepted that sports takes people not only on the good way but it also takes them to the way of destruction. If we go to the sports then we should have to follow only the path of sports and should give the full time to the sports which affects the study of the teenagers and youngsters. Though it is nice for the physical maintenance and others but the most important thing is the study for the whole human life. So they also commented that sports should not be considered as the primary importance because primary importance should be given to the study and the secondary should be given to the sports if it is necessary then. Many people have said that sports has destroy the life of different people. Some has broken their legs by which they cannot walk on their feet for the whole life, some has broken their hand by which they cannot do any kind of work in their life and should remain useless and others different kinds of accident has occured by which they has spoiled their life.
So those were some of the bad comments on the sports and unfortunately we can't record the other different comments due to the insufficient time to record those information.


  1. Its really true. This kind of bad comments will affects the good impression on sports related issues.
    Funny Sports rants

  2. your blog provided us beneficial information to work on. You have done a marvellous job!

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  3. Why did you stop writing about sports?
